21 april 2021
The next Cradle to Cradle Café: June 17!
On March 23 the first Cradle to Cradle café of 2021 took place. And a new date is set for round 2! Our members Mosa, Tarkett and QbiQ Wall Systems (and Ahrend) are founding partners of the Cradle to Cradle Café.
The webinar will take place on June 17 with:
- Marco te Brömmelstroet, Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Ton Venhoeven, Verhoeven CS
- Arne Lijbers, Mecanoo.
In 1950, 30% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. By 2050, that figure will reach 68%. Fast growing urban populations and climate change force policymakers to develop new strategies for sustainable urban mobility.
Read more on: https://cradletocradlecafe.com/upcomingcafes/cradle-to-cradle-and-urban-mobility/